Tag Archives: Enjoy

It’s What’s Under The Hood… urr Back Seat … That Counts

Really guys, it most always comes down to cubic horsepower, right? Well, unfortunately for us Shelby Mustang fans, this one does not have enough!

Smart vs Ford Mustang Shelby von PHT974

Hope you enjoy it! Ever see a Smart do a wheelie before?

Happy Birthday 2015!

Har! har! har!

Happy birthday 2015. It has come around again, what? Well, here are a couple of things to get your day off with a chuckle, if not an outright laugh!

Number 1

Be careful about how you handle us senior citizens on a crosswalk…

Number 2

Things are not always what they seem!

Anyway… have a good one. I don’t know if you have looked in here recently or not, if not, you probably should take a look. There are some goodies and some OMG’s and some haha’s that you might enjoy. You can find everything on the menus in the left sidebar.

Oh~ by the way, happy Daylight Savings Time also! Talk to you later today, I suspect, unless you guys went some place to celebrate.

Happy birthday 2015!

Dad and all the rest of us over here!