Tag Archives: fun

Formula 1

Since Mom (Susan) and Dad (Craig) took David to sports car gymkahanas in Houston and Pasadena (TX) when he was still very young (like less than 1 year old) he has turned into and remained a true Formula 1 (“Grand Prix” if you prefer) fan. We know that Nataly and David do at least one or two GP’s per year, but we don’t know the exact count.

Here are some cool pix from various Grand Prix races and vehicles …

Formula 1 BAR Honda – Melbourne Grand Prix 2005 Demo of BAR 006


Where there is loose rubber, there is also loose asphalt! Monaco scratch line


Ferrari from above

Ferarris forever!

The tunnel at Monaco

David doesn’t remember this, but Jackie Sewart was having great fun here!

I don’t know exactly when this was, but it was in Turkey

That’s all for now, I will look for some more interesting pix later on…